

#Problem addressed 

Black and immigrant populations across Canada have lower screening rates than Canadian-born white populations, predisposing them to increased cancer morbidity and mortality. Effective interventions are required to increase cancer screening rates among these populations.

#Objective of program 

To improve breast, colorectal, and cervical cancer screening rates at TAIBU Community Health Centre, which has a mandate to provide primary health care services to the Black and immigrant community in the greater Toronto area.

#Program description 

An Afrocentric quality improvement program was developed and implemented, consisting of provider audits, cancer screening education programs, a patient call-back program, and a mammography promotion day.


TAIBU Community Health Centre’s continuous quality improvement approach was successful in engaging health care providers and patients to increase cancer screening participation sustainably in a racially and socioeconomically diverse setting. Rates of breast, colorectal, and cervical cancer screening offered to eligible patients increased from 17% to 72%, 18% to 67%, and 59% to 70%, respectively, between 2011 and 2018.