Public Health Agency of Canada
Opportunity Deadline: 
Friday, February 28, 2025
Participant Profile: 
Health care providers, public health workers, immigrants/newcomers, Indigenous people
Opportunity Type: 
What's Involved: 
5-10 minute online survey
Compensation Available: 
More info

# Tuberculosis Elimination Strategy for Canada: Online Survey 

Despite being both preventable and curable, TB remains one of the most common and deadly infectious diseases worldwide. While the rates of active TB in Canada are among the lowest in the world, progress towards TB elimination in Canada has stalled with Indigenous Peoples and people born outside of Canada disproportionately impacted. 

In April 2024, a time-limited TB Task Group was formed to support Indigenous, Federal, Provincial and Territorial collaboration on TB elimination in Canada and to co-develop a TB Elimination Strategy for Canada. There is representation on this Task Group from all provinces and territories, as well as from Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, the Assembly of First Nations, and the Métis National Council.  

To develop an Elimination Strategy that represents the diverse needs of jurisdictions and communities across Canada, the TB Task Group is seeking feedback and insights from community members, experts, and key populations.   

An online survey is being shared for you to provide feedback on priorities for TB elimination action that you would like the TB Task Group to consider as they co-develop this strategy. Survey input will complement feedback received from virtual and in-person engagement opportunities taking place between July and December 2024.  

The survey will remain open until February 28, 2025. 

Should you require support to complete the survey or if you have any questions, please contact: